About Us

E2 lighting is an established independent retailer for over 25 years, specialising in Decorative Lighting for your homes.

With our dedicated showroom in North Staffordshire and an extensive online range, we can offer the widest choice of products from traditional and period pieces up to luxurious high end feature chandeliers.

Here at E2 lighting we’re not just retailers, we’re lighting specialists. Our expert advisers are here to guide you through what can be a tricky experience of getting your lighting right.

The dedicated team members can offer many services including:

  • Product sourcing – If you’ve seen something, we’ll help you find it!
  • Advise on lighting levels – What’s too much or too little
  • LED lighting technology and the latest lighting techniques
  • Lighting design from single room up to whole house schemes
  • Lighting control and dimming methods
  • Landscape and security lighting

Come in and visit our showroom, with multitudes of pieces on display along with ranges of mirrors, furniture, and home décor, we’ll have something for every room of your house.

Our dedicated website is constantly being updated with the latest trends in lighting and offers the best quality lighting available at exceptional prices.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]